Tag Archives: packing

Falling Behind

Things have been quite busy around here…doing this:

packing boxes

Packing! Ian and I have spent as much of our free time trying to condense everything we own. Sorting out the things that are worth keeping and parting ways with some of the others. It is amazing to me the amount of items one can accumulate over a span of a year. I have only been in New York for 3 years, yet I’ve somehow managed to fill more than my fair share of the room with “things.” I have what I like to call an organized pile collected in the corner of the room. It holds old letters, documents, things I promised myself to sort through a long time ago.

a mess of things

Ian’s biggest task thus far has been sorting out his books. He brought boxes of them when we first moved into the new apartment and we had to donate some then because we simply had no space for them. Think he has a favorite genre?

Thankfully, many of these are going to other good nerd homes 🙂

It’s all part of the journey we are on…there is so much on my to-do list that I feel like my head might explode, but I need to remember that soon the mess of moving will all be over and we will be where we want to be.

In other news, Ian and I took a few pictures from the weekend that I thought I would share.

Part of our weekend was spent at a baby shower where we were surrounded by a great group of Ian’s co-workers.

And the other day (which happened to be 9/11) was spent at work for me, but on the way home we took a few snapshot of NYC…nothing much, but little things we encounter on a normal walk to the subway that are symbolic of the city and perhaps we take for granted.

I’m off to make dinner now. Attempting to cook Tofu with brussel sprouts and maybe some quinoa. It has been about 2 years since I’ve made Tofu so we will see how it goes. I’ll keep you all updated on how it turns out!!