Tag Archives: flat abs

Flat, is where it’s at.

Somedays, I just think I have so much more time than I really do.  This blogging thing has really been a test to my time management! I have to say that I take as many photos as I can of all the foods I eat, and I try to remember all my workouts…but this blogging business is NO JOKE! I really give credit to all the bloggers out there that are able to document more than one meal/workout/thought a day. I am doing my best to get in the habit of blogging at the same time each day sort of to train myself to get into the habit of it.

Anyway –  Here is sort of a random post that probably should have been better organized into a few posts – but hopefully you can follow along!

The Perfect Snack…and sometimes meal

Plain Nonfat Greek Yogurt with fresh fruit and almonds 

yogurt bowl

This is probably my favorite thing to eat – it always leaves me just full enough.  The greek yogurt I use is the nonfat plain yogurt…one serving has about 100 calories and 18 grams of protein!! Hallelujah! During the work week I also top with granola because I don’t always have fresh fruit around.

Veggie filled Dinner

Spinach Fettucine with organic garlic pasta sauce 

Spinach pasta

I recently bought a pack of Spinach Fettucine from the grocery store hoping it would be a quick and easy dinner on a work night.  And that it was!! It was my first time trying it tonight and I was pleasantly surprised.  To add some veggies into the meal I added chopped zucchini and spinach into the pasta sauce.  I find that by adding more chopped veggies the pasta sauce goes a lot further…which would be great for a big family I suppose, but works just as well to save some money for me and Ian 🙂 This meal was topped with some chopped chicken and parmesan cheese.

Flat Ab Workouts!

I came across this article from SELF Magazine today with some great new ab workouts! I’m always one to give new ab workouts a try and was so happy to see that these workouts involved versions of THE PLANK! This is one of my favorite moves and I feel the burn EVERY time without fail.  One thing I always am reminded of when doing the plank is just to remember – flat is where it’s at!! In other words, your body must be as close to a board as possible!

Photo courtesy of Self.com

Here are some of the ab workouts I have been obsessed with lately and I promise YOU WILL FEEL IT:


Hopefully I can get a little better at this blog schedule thing 🙂

Question of the night: What are some of your favorite ab workouts? I feel like I sort of developed a routine in college and never changed it up until recently…Do you ever try out some of the things you read in magazines or see online?