Flat, is where it’s at.

Somedays, I just think I have so much more time than I really do.  This blogging thing has really been a test to my time management! I have to say that I take as many photos as I can of all the foods I eat, and I try to remember all my workouts…but this blogging business is NO JOKE! I really give credit to all the bloggers out there that are able to document more than one meal/workout/thought a day. I am doing my best to get in the habit of blogging at the same time each day sort of to train myself to get into the habit of it.

Anyway –  Here is sort of a random post that probably should have been better organized into a few posts – but hopefully you can follow along!

The Perfect Snack…and sometimes meal

Plain Nonfat Greek Yogurt with fresh fruit and almonds 

yogurt bowl

This is probably my favorite thing to eat – it always leaves me just full enough.  The greek yogurt I use is the nonfat plain yogurt…one serving has about 100 calories and 18 grams of protein!! Hallelujah! During the work week I also top with granola because I don’t always have fresh fruit around.

Veggie filled Dinner

Spinach Fettucine with organic garlic pasta sauce 

Spinach pasta

I recently bought a pack of Spinach Fettucine from the grocery store hoping it would be a quick and easy dinner on a work night.  And that it was!! It was my first time trying it tonight and I was pleasantly surprised.  To add some veggies into the meal I added chopped zucchini and spinach into the pasta sauce.  I find that by adding more chopped veggies the pasta sauce goes a lot further…which would be great for a big family I suppose, but works just as well to save some money for me and Ian 🙂 This meal was topped with some chopped chicken and parmesan cheese.

Flat Ab Workouts!

I came across this article from SELF Magazine today with some great new ab workouts! I’m always one to give new ab workouts a try and was so happy to see that these workouts involved versions of THE PLANK! This is one of my favorite moves and I feel the burn EVERY time without fail.  One thing I always am reminded of when doing the plank is just to remember – flat is where it’s at!! In other words, your body must be as close to a board as possible!

Photo courtesy of Self.com

Here are some of the ab workouts I have been obsessed with lately and I promise YOU WILL FEEL IT:


Hopefully I can get a little better at this blog schedule thing 🙂

Question of the night: What are some of your favorite ab workouts? I feel like I sort of developed a routine in college and never changed it up until recently…Do you ever try out some of the things you read in magazines or see online?



About ieatalmonds

My name is Briana, I'm 25 years old - living and working full time in New York City. This blog is a way to share my interests in healthy living, working out, fashion, food, and enjoying life. I'm a Cali girl at heart with a huge love of the ocean and an active lifestyle, now trying to make my mark by sharing what I love.

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